All Klahaya board positions are volunteer. We love our club and work hard to ensure that it is enjoyed by many! Board members do not receive a discount in fees or additional guest passes and must be paid in full by the same day as members. In appreciation for their hours of commitment board members receive priority registration for lessons but still pay full price.
Current Klahaya board members are:
President: Marjorie High
Vice President: Heather Alschuler
Secretary: Erin Gallagher
Treasurer: Ben Copstead
Tennis Director: Donna Madath
Swim Director: Marjorie High
Membership Director: Beth Easton
Facilities Director: Kevin Gibson
Activities Director: Heather Alschuler
Communications Director: Lisa Marquart
Member at Large: Nick Echelbarger
Positions open up every year, and we invite you to join us! As always, we appreciate your feedback: